I am going to be publishing a series of posts based on my almost 30 years of research and life experiences, things that I am commonly or frequently recommending/referring, guiding, helping, coaching people to do.
This often times consists of me spewing things off in random order, promising to send links, references, etc. and often not remembering where I, myself, have all of these things stored.
After my duties of being a wife and mom, one of the things I love to spend my time on is health and wellness and helping others decipher what is going on and what to do. I love researching and learning, not because I am inherently a researcher, I think more because I am a truth seeker, maybe more because I am prideful and do not like to be wrong. This has lead to me shifting how I do things and sometimes stopping things and adding in things I never thought I would do!
I wanted to put these resources on my website so that I could update them as needed instead of some static spreadsheet floating around out there shared over email and perhaps becoming outdated.
Many of you know I will be starting my health and wellness practice soon, after I complete my training. Since my primary duty is being a wife and mother, I will only be taking on very few clients and I want my time with them to be as efficacious as possible so they don’t have to keep seeing me month after month, year after year and I can move on to new people. My main goal will be to take on only people who are really serious about making changes so they can see results and be empowered to maintain their health without seeing me much more, if at all! These resources will be an indispensable part of that practice.
Having lived with a chronic health condition the past seven years (mold poisoning, parasite infection and heavy metal toxicity) and having had a daughter who could not open her mouth from the age of 18 months to 5 years old when she had jaw replacement surgery, my passion is to help people take control of theirs and their families health so that they can go through serious conditions without needing to goto the hospital, take pharmaceuticals, etc and have the confidence to work with the human body and the marvelous design God created. Some of the things I want to elaborate on are:
- Detox your home, body and life
- Nourish your body, mind and soul
- Protect your body, mind and soul
- AND not go broke!!
This takes first and foremost, a shift in your thinking! Our body’s are a temple of the Holy Spirit. We have to be willing to view the body as something sacred. People put all sorts of junk in and on the body without thinking about the consequences. Would you treat your car this way? What about the plumbing in your kitchen sink? I doubt it. If we take the time to put the right kind of gas and oil in our cars so they don’t break down, we should be willing to do the same for our bodies. I hope to help make this process as simple and painless as possible!
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